Mountain High Adventure Camp 2018 - Week #5 Photo Page

On Monday we went geocaching at a park in Greece and of course found a creek to play in. Then we played a round of Disc Golf in on the course that wound its way through the woods and again found a creek to play in. Later, we had a snack and played some foxtail in the big field. After lunch we went to Durand  to set up the rope bridge and other stuff and finished the day with a swim at the beach.


On Tuesday we went for a bike ride while looking for clues to the treasure hunt. Our route took us to a school, a cemetary, Turning Point on the Genesee River, the Charlotte Lighthouse and the beach. Of course the kids figured out the secret message and got the treasure.


On Wednesday, we packed everything into the trailer and went shopping for the food for our 2-night,  3-day camping trip to Allegany State Park. We got to the park and picked out a great campsite and set up camp. Then it was time to eat. In the afternoon, we drove up to Thunder Rocks to do some bouldering on the large rock formations located there. It was very popular and we spent the rest of the day there. That night we cooked dinner, played in the creek that ran behind the campsite and had a nice campfire before bed.


Thursday morning we cooked up a hot breakfast and went over to the Quaker Lake for some paddling. When we got tired of paddling, we loaded the boats back on the trailer and went to the beach for some swimming. We heard that there was going to be a guided tour up into the woods to see the "Bear Caves" so we ate a quick lunch and joined the tour not knowing what to expect. We hiked up the hill deeper into the woods until we came to a ridge of very large rocks. Hidden in the rocks were some small caves that everyone could explore. The guide had brought a bag full of flashlights to share so we crawled into each of the caves to check them out. Then it was down to the car and over to the big playground to let off some energy before going back to camp to prepare dinner. Another campfire and soon enough it was time for bed.


On Friday, after breakfast and packing up, we made a short stop at the "Stone Tower" for the view, then drove north and up into the hills to "Little Rock City" for some more adventure. We spent a few hours climbing up and down and between the massive rocks along the top of the hillside before stopping for lunch. Then we drove home for some relaxing and trying to figure out the mind puzzles that Harry is so fond of  until the parents arrived to pick everyone up.